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Invoicing USAC
How USAC Is Invoiced

Applicants have a choice of two invoicing methods.

  • is filed by the applicant
  • is filed by the service provider
  • is filed after the service provider has billed the applicant for the entire cost of services
  • is filed after the service provider has billed the applicant for the cost of services minus the applicant's discount
  • is filed after the applicant has paid for services in full
  • is filed after the applicant has paid their portion in full
  • requests reimbursement for the discount portion of paid bills due to the applicant
  • requests reimbursement for the discount portion due to the service provider
  • can be filed monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.
  • can be filed monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.
  • must be agreed upon by the service provider and the applicant prior to filing - contact your provider to make arrangements if you want this option

NOTE: Only one method can be used for a single FRN in any given funding year. However, you may use the SPI method for some FRNs and the BEAR method for other FRNs.