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Form 471 Guidelines
Before You Begin

Gather and/or prepare the following information:

  • The Form 470 Application Number (15 digits)
  • The Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) for the service provider who will be providing services
  • A detailed description of services to be received
  • A calculation of the costs for eligible services (plus make a note of ineligible costs)
  • A copy of last year's Form 471 to use a guide
Administrative Window for EPC Profile Updates

The Administrative Window is a designated timeframe for applicants to update their EPC profiles with the information and data that will be used on the upcoming funding year's Form 471.

During the Administrative Window, independent schools and school districts must update their EPC profiles, including addresses, data used to calculate E-Rate discounts, and organization relationships such as the list of schools and NIFs belonging to a district.

It is extremely important that to make profile updates during the Administrative Window, as it may be impossible to do so once the window closes.

At a minimum, you should annually update the data that is used to calculate your organization's E-Rate discount percentage:

  • Number of Full Time Students
  • Total Number of Students Eligible for NSLP
Administrative Window for EPC Profile Updates
UPDATED [PDF]Update Your EPC Profile for FY2025
To Complete Before Starting the Form

To make the process easier, add any new contracts for the funding year to the Contracts Module in your EPC account before beginning to work on your Form 471.

While it is possible to leave an in-progress form, complete the Contracts Module, and then return to the form, most applicants find jumping around in EPC to be confusing.

Saved contract records in EPC cannot be modified. If you have a multi-year contract that has changed (for example thorough a contact ammendment), cite the original contract record on your Form 471 and be prepared to submit any new contract documentation during review.

Form 471 Prep
Do This First For Any New Contracts →
Enter Contract Information:
[PDF]Contracts Module
Step by Step How to Guides

See the PDF files below for step by step instructions on filing Form 471s.

Form 471 How to Guides
UPDATED [PDF]FY2025 Form 471 Category 1 Guide
UPDATED [PDF]FY2025 Form 471 Category 2 Guide