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Form 486
The FCC Form 486
What It Is

The Form 486 is an indication that services for a particular Funding Request Number (FRN) have started

  • Notifies USAC that services have started and that invoices for those services can be processed and paid
  • Reports the status of compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
    LEARN MORE Learn more about CIPA
When It Can Be Filed

The following timing constraints are applicable to the Form 486:

  • The Form 486 cannot be filed until a Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) has been issued.
  • The Form 486 cannot be filed until delivery of your services has started (typically July 1 of the funding year).
  • It is quite possible, and in fact very likely, that services will begin before a funding commitment has been awarded.
  • Each FRN from your Form 471(s) is treated separately and you will need to indicate the start of services on a Form 486 for each one. You may either file a Form 486 for each FRN as you receive funding commitments, or list several FRNs on a single Form 486. Be aware that the Form 486 for each FRN has a distinct deadline.
  • The Form 486 must be certified no later than 120 days after the service start date or 120 days after the date of the FCDL, whichever is later.
  • Because the Form 486 deadline varies depending on the date the FRN was funded, it is important to keep careful track of the deadline for all of your FRNs for a given funding year. If your Form 486 is late, USAC will deduct a portion of your funding for each day that it is late.
The Filing Process

The following steps must be completed:

  1. The applicant submits and certifies a completed FCC Form 486 using their EPC account
    LEARN MORE Learn more about the Form 486
  2. After the form is received, USAC issues an FCC Form 486 Receipt Notification Letter to the applicant and the service provider
What to Save For Documentation

Save the following documentation:

  • A copy of the completed Form 486
  • FCC Form 486 Notification Letter
  • Documentation supporting CIPA compliance